Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Yellow Buoy

6 x 6 oil on panel

This buoy was spotted on the way out of Nantucket this summer. A yellow buoy is considered a special purpose marker and indicates that you should take caution (it often marks a pipeline, or something similar). I love the contrast of the yellow and oranges with the blues.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Day Dreaming in the Surf

6 x 6 oil on panel

This painting was from a picture at the Harbor Beach in Maine this summer. I used much softer color that I usually do. You can just see my daughter Hadley loving the ocean, and I keep wondering what exactly she was thinking.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


6 x 6 oil on panel

We spotted this beautiful sailboat tied up in the harbor in Marseille last weekend. Despite the cold, rainy weather the harbor was beautiful and the end of the day light made soft reflections on the water.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


This schooner was sighted during a trip several years ago outside Victoria, British Columbia. It was sailing as a part of the tall ships parade with several other vessels. We sailed by just long enough to see the boats under sail.